Sample Employee Handbook
The employee handbook is one of the most important communication tools between a company and its employees. Not only does it set forth your expectations for your employees, but it also describes what they can expect from the company. Regardless of size, all employers should consider creating an employee handbook to make their company’s policies accessible to employees. Your employee handbook should be as clear and unambiguous as possible, and written in an understandable language.
Special Alert: The sample handbook and policies available for download are for general reference only. This sample document should be modified based on your company's specific needs, industry and state related issues and should be developed in conjunction with an employment law attorney or HR specialist. Please also note since laws can change, the sample handbook may not be in compliance with all rules and regulations. In addition, your state may have specific labor laws that can have an impact on a particular sample policy. Please be sure to consult an employment law attorney before using the sample handbook.*
Note: Review your policies annually to ensure compliance.
*These materials are provided for your reference only. Although they have been carefully drafted by our team of attorneys, every company's business and circumstances are different. Although federal laws are uniform, state and local laws vary considerably from one state to another and even from one city to any other. The particular circumstances of your company, e.g., union or non-union, number of employees, working in one state versus multiple states, etc. should be addressed by competent employment counsel who knows the details of your business. We provide these materials to you as a source of information to guide you in your employment practices and procedures. By accepting and using this handbook or other materials from our site, you acknowledge that you understand and agree that we are not providing you legal, accounting or any other professional service.
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Please Note: The sample forms and policies featured in this section may be used for general reference only. All sample forms and policies should be modified to meet your company’s individual needs and applicable laws. Federal and state laws do change and, as a result, the featured forms and policies may not comply with current requirements. We strongly recommend consulting an employment law attorney or HR specialist for assistance with customizing any forms, policies, or the sample employee handbook. Any links that have been provided as an additional source of forms or guidelines are also for general information purposes and cannot be guaranteed for accuracy or compliance with any particular law or requirement.